赤燭『返校』跟『還願 』的新消息
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今年二月,『返校 - Detention』及『還願 - Devotion』兩款作品,同時成為哈佛大學燕京圖書館的館藏內容之一。這份殊榮不僅屬於團隊,也屬於一直以來支持我們的玩家朋友們,在此特別感謝鄭炯文館長、王德威教授、馬小鶴主任及陳也東先生的邀請與協助。
Hello, we are Red Candle Games.
This February, the Harvard-Yenching Library at Harvard University officially added both of our titles '返校 Detention' and '還願 Devotion' to its collection. It is an incredible honour which belongs to not only Red Candle but also our supporters/players worldwide. Special thank to the invitation from Harvard-Yenching Library and the assistance from James Cheng, Prof. David Der-wei Wang, Xiao-he Ma, and Yedong Chen for making it possible.
Harvard-Yenching Library, formally founded in 1928, is known as the largest Eastern Asian library maintained by any American university. As game designers, never have we thought that our works could one day be added to its prestige collection. While we truly appreciate the recognition, we had also taken this opportunity to rethink the possibilities that our games could achieve.
For the past one year, we are sorry for making our community worried. Although the current status might not be ideal, we are still here and that nothing has changed - we are and will always develop games with the same passion.
Last but not the least, we’d like to express our gratitude toward our partners, friends and families, especially a big thank you to all fans who still believe in Red Candle Games. It’s a tough year for many of us, but we will keep going, and hopefully in the future we could share more works with you all.
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