【踢爆】2021世界賽被揭發 不允許LPL以外的媒體進行世界賽的現場報導?
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依我所見,Ashley(Korizon)和Jacob(Dot sports)發了篇文章說英雄聯盟2021世界賽完全沒有讓除LPL的媒體外進行現場採訪和報導。
Riot官方對這兩個媒體說了 "不允許任何人可以參加世界賽的報導" ,但這兩個媒體隨後發現LPL媒體則不受影響,還是能正常報導。
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Statement on Worlds 2021 Media Access from Jacob Wolf and Ashley Kang
This week, we learned that Riot has been dishonest in their communications to media outlets, hindering their ability to bring coverage to 2021 Worlds. After attempts to resolve this privately and amicably, we believe it is important to share some insight with our audiences.
In early September, our two media outlets — Dot Esports and KORIZON Esports — approached Riot in regards to 2021 Worlds coverage. Riot’s global esports press executives emphatically told us that no media would be allowed to attend the event in person in Iceland. Our media outlets were prepared to cooperate to make on-site coverage possible, whether it be providing proof of vaccination and/or undergoing a specific quarantine as imposed by Riot, or other safety measures. We were told that the venue where Worlds is held restricts the number of people allowed on-site — so media attendance was deprioritized and no media would be allowed to attend. We confirmed that regional Riot offices also communicated the same message to their local endemic outlets. The situation was understandable.
Several days ago, we learned that Riot was not truthful.
We’ve been made aware of and confirmed with Riot that multiple Chinese third-party media organizations who are LPL-registered content creators are in attendance in Iceland. This information was kept from us or other media outlets until we actively inquired. Those outlets are attending Worlds in person and are receiving special access to the event that other outlets, who are covering the event remotely, are not. They’ve been able to create unique content, from filming and photographing backstage and propagating this content to their own media channels, therefore fulfilling the definition of journalism.
We understand the importance of on-site access and the benefit it provides for the audience. We are happy from one media outlet to another that these specific media outlets have been granted access to cover Worlds on site. However, we are incredibly disappointed in Riot’s global esports department and their actions:
Their lack of communication and truthfulness in conversations with us and other media outlets who frequently cover League of Legends esports and serve that community.
Their decision to not actively seek to invite media outlets credentialed to the LCS, LEC, LCK, and other regions to attend Worlds in person when logistics allowed for it.
Their continuous trend of deprioritizing endemic media access.
We’ve asked Riot if a media representative were to travel to Iceland to cover the grand finals tomorrow if they would be granted access. The answer we received, again, was no, as Riot’s initiative to not allow third-party media outlets on site still stands, which contradicts the current situation of those outlets who are present.
In those earlier conversations in September, we outlined how pivotal endemic media are to esports. Third-party media coverage is an integral part of any professional sport and important to its trajectory and growth. The content that media outlets create significantly boosts interest to the esport and its individuals, directly increasing viewership and long-term audience engagement. However, the value we provide to League and its fans not being recognized by Riot is heavily discouraging about the future of this esport.
Speaking to our colleagues who cover traditional sports, media coverage is not an afterthought in their ecosystems and creating access is not only important, but prioritized as a part of each and every event. Given this and Riot’s increasing trend to disregard media presence at their international events, it is distressing to the current and future trajectory of League of Legends esports, its viewership, and its integrity — all values we deeply care about.
Over the past two days, we’ve attempted to speak with Riot about this and while their representatives have acknowledged these media members are attending when questions were presented, their response otherwise is disappointing. We would like to find a common ground with them — and we’d like to be given fair and equitable access not just for our outlets, but all outlets who cover pro League of Legends.
Unfortunately, at this time, that seems to not be the case.
- Jacob Wolf (Dot Esports) & Ashley Kang (Korizon)
有關2021世界賽的媒體存取的陳述 - Jacob Wolf & Ashley Kang
在九月初時,我們兩個媒體,分別是Dot Esports和KORIZON Esports,都向Riot接觸以報導2021世界賽的內容。Riot的全球電子競技新聞主管肯定地告訴了我們沒有任何媒體能被允許親身出席在冰島舉行的活動。我們的媒體原本已經準備好以不同的方式與Riot合作以讓現場報導成為可能,其中包括提供已接種疫苗的證據,以Riot主張的方式隔離或/和其他不同的安全措施。Riot告訴我們世界賽的場地限制了可在場的人數,所以媒體的出席的優先度被降低,沒有媒體被允許參加。地區的Riot辦公室也對當地的媒體確認了同一樣的資訊。這是能夠接受的。
- 他們與我們,以及其他經常報導有關英雄聯盟電競和為該社群服務的媒體,之間缺少了應有的溝通和誠信。
- 在後勤允許的情況下,他們選擇不主動尋找和邀請已被LCS,LEC,LCK以及其他賽區認證的媒體去親自參加世界賽。
- 他們一再降低部份地方媒體能夠觸及的重要性。
早在九月時,我們已經對 "當地媒體對電競的重要性" 有過討論。第三方媒體的報導對於任何職業運動的發展而言都是極其重要的。媒體所寫的報導能顯著地引起對電競以及與其相關的人的興趣,並能直接地提升比賽的觀看數和長遠而言觀眾的投入程度。但是,我們為英雄聯盟及其粉絲所提供的價值並沒被Riot所認知這件事大大打擊了英雄聯盟電競方面的未來。
過去兩日,我們嘗試向Riot反映這些問題。雖然他們的代表在被問及這些問題時認可了這些(來自LPL的)媒體確實有出席世界賽,但是他們的回應卻是令人失望的。我們想和他們找到一個共同基礎 —— 不只是我們,其他所有報導英雄聯盟職業的媒體也想要有公平和相同的接觸比賽的機會。
- Jacob Wolf (Dot Esports) & Ashley Kang (Korizon)
來自 Dot Esports 的 Jacob Wolf 與 Korizon 的 Ashely Kang 的聯合聲明
在 9 月時,Dot Esports 與 Korizon 向 Riot 詢問是否能到冰島進行訪問,但 Riot 的全球電競負責人表示不允許任何媒體親自到冰島進行訪問。
然而,在幾天前,他們得知有數家來自 LPL 的第三方媒體親自飛到冰島,對選手進行訪問及拍攝照片 / 影片。這些是其他遠端訪問的媒體無法辦到的。
因此,Riot 顯然在與其他賽區的電競媒體溝通時並沒有誠實以對,在理論上允許時也沒有主動邀請 LCK、LEC、LCS 和其他賽區的媒體來訪。
他們再度詢問 Riot 如果有獲得允許的話,是否會有媒體前往報導明天的總決賽,但 Riot給出否定的答案,因為不允許第三方媒體進入採訪的規定依然生效中,但這顯然與現實相違背。
- 除LPL外其他媒體沒有辦法現場進行報導
- 能夠現場報導的媒體 (LPL那堆) 能夠報導有關後台的內容
- 九月起就有溝通過,但Riot不允許現場報導
- Riot沒有主動邀請除LPL外的媒體現場報導
- 其他媒體對"Riot對媒體的態度、缺乏溝通和沒有誠信"感到失望
- 提供過解決辦法,全被否決
- 第三方媒體很重要,Riot的行動嚴重影響英雄聯盟日後的軌跡
- 九月到決賽開始前一天,Riot還是堅拒除LPL外的記者報導
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